<% languageid = 1 Function stripHTML(strHTML) 'Strips the HTML tags from strHTML Dim objRegExp, strOutput Set objRegExp = New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True objRegExp.Global = True objRegExp.Pattern = "<.+?>" 'Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty string strOutput = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "") 'Replace all < and > with < and > strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "<", "<") strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">", ">") stripHTML = strOutput 'Return the value of strOutput Set objRegExp = Nothing End Function dim arrimgurl(5) dim arrinfocn(6) dim arrinfoen(6) arrimgurl(0) = "inhaltsgrafiken/home/co2_hoernchen.jpg" arrimgurl(1) = "inhaltsgrafiken/home/co2_n2_mahlen.jpg" arrimgurl(2) = "inhaltsgrafiken/home/co2_n2_pulver.jpg" arrimgurl(3) = "inhaltsgrafiken/home/co2_sprudel.jpg" arrimgurl(4) = "inhaltsgrafiken/home/n2_halbleiter.jpg" arrimgurl(5) = "inhaltsgrafiken/home/o2_wassertropfen.jpg" arrinfocn(0) = "冷藏用于保持食物的风味" arrinfocn(1) = "优质粉末带来的主要影响" arrinfocn(2) = "喷雾结晶" arrinfocn(3) = "气体确保饮用水如水晶般清澈" arrinfocn(4) = "无铅焊接,精密生产" arrinfocn(5) = "呼吸更多的健康" arrinfocn(6) = "" arrinfoen(0) = "Freezing to savor the flavor" arrinfoen(1) = "Fine powder – major impact" arrinfoen(2) = "spray crystallization-made simple" arrinfoen(3) = "Gases ensure crystal-clear drinking water" arrinfoen(4) = "Lead free soldering, precise production" arrinfoen(5) = "Breathing a bit of health." arrinfoen(6) = "" randomize() irand = int(rnd() * 6) strimgurl = arrimgurl(irand) strinfocn = arrinfocn(irand) strinfoen = arrinfoen(irand) %> PG电子游戏-PG电子官网-PG电子游戏下载-PG电子最火软件站-PG电子游戏官网-PG电子游戏官网app-PG电子官方网站-PG电子官方网址-PG电子(中国)官方网站
<% Sql="select top 4 * from tblnews where title"&temp&" is not null " Sql=Sql & " order by date DESC " set RS=server.createobject("ADODB.RecordSet") RS.open SQL,conn,1,1 %> <% if not RS.EOF then strlen = 20 irow = 1 DO while not RS.EOF title=rs("title"&temp) news_id=RS("news_id") verify=RS("verify"&temp) mdate=RS("date"&temp) author=RS("author"&temp) ndate=rs("date"&temp) firstimg=rs("firstimg" & temp) if not verify=1 then verify="未发布" else verify="已发布" end if strcontent = replace(stripHTML(rs("content"))," "," ") strcontent = trim(replace(strcontent,title,"")) if len(strcontent) > strlen then strcontent = left(strcontent, strlen - 2) & "..." end if %> <% if IsNull(firstimg) then response.write "" else response.write "" end if %> <%=mdate%> <%=title%> <% irow = irow + 1 rs.movenext loop end if %>